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Window Clean Like a Pro by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes

Cleaning Windows on a Sunny Day

When it comes to window cleaning, one mistake you definitely want to avoid is cleaning them on a sunny day. Not only will the sun make it difficult to see what you're doing, but it can also cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, leaving streaks on the glass. So if you want to avoid a frustrating window-cleaning experience, make sure to schedule your cleaning for a cloudy day.

Not Dusting Beforehand

Dusting before cleaning allows you to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may be on the window, which can make the cleaning process much easier. Skipping this step can lead to streaks and smears on the window, which can be very difficult to remove.

Using the Wrong Window Cleaning Material

There's nothing quite like a streaky, smeared window to ruin your view. And there's no surer way to achieve this than by using the wrong window cleaning material. Maybe you thought that that old towel you've had for years would do the trick. Or maybe you went for the cheapest option at the store. But using the wrong material is a surefire way to leave your windows looking worse than when you started.

When it comes to finding the best window cleaning material, consider important factors, such as the quality and material's absorbency.

Ignoring Safety Measures

Safety should always be a top priority when cleaning windows, so be sure to take all the necessary precautions. This includes wearing gloves, using a safe cleaning solution, and being careful when handling glass. If you are concerned about your safety, the best alternative is to hire a window cleaning company. Just check them out here to get more information on their services, pricing, and availability.

Focusing On a Large Surface At Once

When it comes to cleaning windows, there is one cardinal rule that you should never break: never try to clean a large surface all at once. Why, you ask? Well, there are a few reasons.

First of all, it's just plain old inefficient. You're much better off cleaning one small section at a time and then moving on to the next. It's also easy to miss spots when you're trying to clean a large surface all at once. That way, you can really take your time and enjoy the process.

Bottom Line

Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Avoid these four window-cleaning mistakes, and you'll be on your way to becoming a master window washer in no time. Just remember, safety comes first!

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